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This web viewer provides current information on North Carolina’s reported and active wildfires. Wildfires that are controlled or out are not shown.
North Carolina’s forestland is one of the greatest influences on the state, providing economic value and adding immeasurably to the quality of life for its residents. The forest products industry is the largest manufacturing business sector in the state, contributing approximately $31.4 billion annually to the state's economy and providing more than 144,000 jobs for North Carolinians. The mission of the North Carolina Forest Service (NCFS) is to protect, manage and promote forest resources for the citizens of North Carolina. The NCFS works to provide programs and services that ensure adequate and quality forest resources for the state in order to meet present and future needs.
NCFS programs and services are directed at the thousands of private landowners who collectively own 13.8 million acres of the state's 18 million acres of forest land. These programs and services include reforestation, forest fire prevention and suppression, insect and disease control. The agency also is involved in the genetic improvement of forest trees, seedling production at state nurseries, long range forestry planning and technical development, water quality controls, urban forestry assistance, training, and support to volunteer fire departments and forestry education.
Our highly trained, professional workforce has been recognized as a leader in forest protection, emergency response, resource management and environmental education. The NCFS is responsible for protecting state and privately-owned forestland from wildfires. Using a variety of tools and equipment, the NCFS manages prescribed fire and aggressively suppresses wildfires across the state’s diverse forest ecosystems, wide-ranging terrain and extensive Wildland/Urban Interface.
To learn more about the North Carolina Forest Service, visit https://www.ncforestservice.gov
The information contained herein is provided as a public service and is for NONCOMMERCIAL PURPOSES ONLY. The wildfire locations and/or perimeters included in this viewer may not represent an on-the-ground survey suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes.
By accessing this website and/or data contained within the databases, you hereby release the NORTH CAROLINA FOREST SERVICE, employees and contractors, from any and all responsibility and liability associated with its use. In no event, shall NC be liable for any damages arising in any way out of the use of the website, or use of the information contained in the databases herein.